The end of the school year is near...*do I hear faint cheers in the background?? =)*!
I am piggy backing off the same idea I did last year which is a caterpillar theme. The title is "Inching Our Way To The Next Grade!"
I had the kids make their own caterpillars to add to the bulletin board! Here is what I did:
I had 5 circles on a piece of paper for all my students. They each got a handout.
Click below to get your own printout!
I then used dot to dot paint. (I allowed two colors per kid so it didn't turn into brown mush.)
Purple dot to dot paint:
Yellow dot to dot paint:
Cut your circles out:
Put the circles together and add the legs. I used 8 black legs from construction paper with 2 black antennas.
Add two eyes and a smile and BAM.....Wa-La! How cute right?
I added them to the bulletin board and it truly made the board!!
It is as Simple as 1-2-3!