So here's your recipe:
1 Package of malted milk balls, Milk Duds, or other chocolate candy
1 plastic baggie
1 reindeer poop poem (see below)
Take the package of candy and pour into the bag. Seal the bag. Print the poem and attach it to the bag. (See? Didn't I tell you this would be easy?)
Poor your goodies into a bowl:
Mix them together then place in your cute little bags!
Put a whole in the poem and in the bag and tie a ribbon through it!
Finished product!
If you really want to make it more difficult, you can use this reindeer poop recipe to bake some treats rather than using packaged candy.
So here's the magic poem (from that will turn your candy into something unmentionable and put a smile on your student’s faces:
I woke with such a fright when I heard Santa call...
"Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!"
I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts,
those nasty reindeer had left "little gifts."
I got an old shovel and started to scoop
neat little piles of reindeer poop!
But to throw them away seemed such a waste,
so I saved them, thinking-you might like a taste!
As I finished my task, which took quite awhile,
Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled.
And I heard him exclaim as he sped off in the sky...
"Well they're not potty trained, but at least they can fly!"
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